Search for tag: "Bits & Bytes"


Balancing student workload in a 3-credit course In this session, Lauren described and demo-ed strategies for supporting a 99-hour student workload in a 3-credit course. More resources here.

From  Karyn Lemberg 6 plays


Tips for recording audio feedback when grading assignments In this session, Ken demonstrated two easy ways to record audio feedback when grading: using Kaltura Capture, and by recording with the…

From  Karyn Lemberg 3 plays


3 simple strategies to make your online course more user-friendly In this session, Lauren explained and showed three strategies for making online courses more user-friendly, including: writing…

From  Karyn Lemberg 8 plays


How to grade an assignment and release feedback all at once In this session, Zara demonstrated marking workflow and how to release grades and feedback at once. More resources here.

From  Karyn Lemberg 12 plays